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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19573
This Months Entries: 13
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2942

12th April 2012
Hiking - Walking: Chaume Haut
Wind Direction:
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Thursday 12th April 2012 – walking ***** sunny periods

We walked into the village to buy bread before heading up to Chaume Haut where we knew there was a hike to another waterfall. We found it quite easily and set off with our winter clothes on. As soon as we left the van we realised the path was very steep and narrow and were soon taking our jumpers off! It was quite a long way up but a great hike with the waterfall at the end probably going into first place in the waterfall league tables! It was very wide, fierce and had worn the rock face completely smooth. It raged on all the way to the valley but the hike took you to the place where it falls over the rock face at the top. There were very intriguing tracks and signs of animals but we didn’t see any today :( Back to the van and set off down the valley passing another reservoir without very much water in. We stopped for our lunch just outside St Andre-les-Alpes and spoke to both the boys on the phone :) Black kites were soaring over our heads and there were paragliders landing just up the road. We carried on to the little town of St-Julien-du-Vardon which is perched on the side of the reservoir (there is more water in this bit – just!) and had a nice walk through the narrow streets and down to the shore. We carried on our journey to the dam at the end of the reservoir and had a look at the little visitors centre and had a cuppa. Decided to find somewhere nearby to stop for the night and drove round to the other side of the reservoir (Lac de Castillon) which arrives at a dead end – the village of Blaron which contains about 10 beautifully restored cottages, all completely empty and as if they have been abandoned. There is actually a hand written notice saying they haven’t been abandoned and to please respect! Oh and we did see a cat! We walked through the little cottages to the viewing point which had views over St. Julien where we walked earlier and to the dam in the other direction. We drove back to find a good place to stop and couldn’t resist having a look at what appeared to be a theme park with massive statues of kings and other weird and wonderful sky scraping works of art – completely out of character with the natural beauty of the surrounding scenery! It was very weird and did make you feel a bit uncomfortable. From what we could make out it was a theme park of saints alongside an Ashram monestry(?) will have to see if we can find out more on google when we get home. Seriously strange place. Found the perfect place to stop overlooking the deserted village.!/media/set/?set=a.3129837677540.2137243.101266056 2&type=1 ype=3&l=1bf5305e7c

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